Natural Motion Veterinary Service
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Resources and FAQ's

1. How can you adjust a dog or horse?

First, it's essential to remember that with VSMT we are not adjusting the whole animal at once, but rather is focusing on the joint space between two bones (ie  two vertebrae) at one time. When an adjustment is done properly it takes minimal force (high velocity, low force (amplitude)) in order to increase motion to these hypomobile regions (subluxations).

2. How does VSMT work and how can it help with internal medicine disorders?

Most nerves exit through cranial structures or between vertebrae. Correcting hypomoblie regions (subluxations) improves how the nervous system is functioning. Since these nerves feed all parts of our body (muscle, internal organs, blood supply, skin, hormonal glands, etc) when the nervous system is functioning on par the whole body benefits.

3. Will an adjustment hurt?

Most animals accept the exam and adjustments without signs of discomfort or pain. In fact a large percentage of animals like and relax during the exam. When a sensitive or painful region is found gentle techniques and muscle work can help reduce pain before an adjustment is performed. In cases of acute or extreme pain Dr. Hoffman will work around the area in order to help decrease pain, and may delay adjusting the actual painful area until a future appointment when the pain has lessened.

4. How many adjustments will my animal need?

Since each animal, case, and owner are a unique team there is no one answer to this question. Some scenarios that factor into this are:  animals age, animals condition, severity of problems, length of time problems occurring, and any other compensating changes in the animal.

5. What can I expect after an adjustment?

Most animals will show improvement within 2 to 3 days, some animals may show immediate improvement, and some may be sore for a day until improvement sets in. If you have concerns about this Dr. Hoffman will discuss this with you before an adjustment is preformed. With chronic problems or acute pain, it may take  a few sessions to resolve the issue and re-establish normal joint and nervous system functioning. Depending on the problems being treated some rest, or movement, may be recommended. Dr. Hoffman will discuss this with you at your appointment.

6. What kind of animals do you treat?

Dr. Hoffman is licensed to treat any species of animal.  Most cases are dogs and horses, but Dr. Hoffman has extensive experience with wildlife, exotic, and special species and would be more than happy to treat these as well.  Additionally, many farm animals can benefit from VSMT work (cows can have a improved milk production). Give Dr. Hoffman a call, and we can figure out a plan for any four, three, two, or no legged animal you have.

7. What can I expect from an appointment and how do I schedule one?

Each appointment is different, and what is performed depends on the individual animal. But in general things to expect are: a complete history (including diet and any medications or supplements), a complete physical and neurological exam, gait analysis, and an adjustment. The first visit typically lasts about 1 hour and follow-up appointments are usually 20-30 min.  Call Dr. Hoffman at 608.346.7912 to schedule your appointment.  If you are working through a referral veterinarian Dr. Hoffman is more than willing to work as part of your animal health care team.

Check back soon for resources!

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On the Web


The following resources may help you develop a greater understanding of our animal companions. There is much to discover! Web sites listed above are intended as resources only. They are not a substitute for professional veterinary care.

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